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We're hard at work concepting our upcoming products. Sign up below to receive updates regarding the Atom Leg.

What is the Atom Leg?

The Atom Leg is an as-yet-announced product we would like to make after our initial arm product, Atom Touch.

We have not officially announced the Atom Leg, any official plans to produce it, or any concept designs.

What am I signing up for?

This is a waitlist to get notified of the Atom Leg if & when we announce it.

Why should I sign up for the waitlist?

While there is no official plan to make the Atom Leg yet, we will likely offer many of the same benefits to those on the Leg waitlist as we currently offer to our Atom Touch waitlist members. Atom Touch waitlist benefits include:

  • Remote testing of Atom Touch components
  • In-person testing of Atom Touch arm
  • Video calls & surveys to get to know you better
  • First to pre-order before the public
  • Plus Atom swag, invites to events, and more.

This is simply meant as guidance and is not a guarantee we will offer the Atom Leg or these benefits for being on the waitlist. But we would like to do those things, and much more.

When will the Atom Leg be ready?

There is no set date nor any official plans to produce an Atom Leg, though we'd like to.

At minimum, R&D on the Leg would start after we release our initial arm product, the Atom Touch.

Do I have to join the waitlist to qualify to order an Atom Leg later?

No. You don't have to join the waitlist to order an Atom Leg later.

Anyone will be able to order an Atom Leg if & when we produce them.

Waitlist members may be able to pre-order a Leg before the public, similar to the current benefit we offer Atom Touch waitlist members.

Does the waitlist cost anything?

Nope. The waitlist is free and always will be.

How do I join the waitlist?

Just fill out the signup form above.

Still have questions?

Feel free to send us an email with any questions you have.